From the years 1979 to 1985, Pope St. John Paul II gave 129 general addresses on a topic he had been working on as Cardinal prior to his papacy—namely, the Theology of the Body. The Theology of the Body is the study of God (“Theo-” + “Logos”) by means of, or through the lens of, the body. This is to say, in Theology of the Body we are going to reverently examine the body and, indeed, all of the material world, as a way to more profoundly understand God and ourselves. Topics include Marriage, masculinity and femininity, the marital embrace, the evangelical counsel of celibacy, and more.

Philosophy of the Human Person is a dialectical course. This means that each section builds on the last one—just like an argument. Specifically, the course aims to follow this trajectory: In the first unit, the course will situate students in the history of philosophy; we will see where we come from, where we are, and where we hope to go. We will then situate our study in relation to Faith and Reason. Following this, we will launch into the second unit—Logic. Logic gives us the tools to think critically and analytically about philosophical problems and life in general. Finally, in the last two units of this course, we will put all we have learned into practice as we go through St. Thomas Aquinas’ account of metaphysics and reality as well as his account of the human person. This course provides the groundwork for ethics (taught in Sophomore year).  

Course studying the anthropology of man as understood through the lens of John Paul II's Theology of the Body. Students will learn how God created our bodies and designed our sexuality to reveal the very meaning of our existence, which is union with the Trinity for all eternity. Students will learn the implications of our creation as male and female and thus to defend Catholic moral teaching; as well as to understand and defend, in light of the Theology of the Body, the authority of the Church given Her by Her Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
A practical overview of what Catholics believe and why we believe it - the goal of which is to enable students to articulate a sound defense of our beliefs. Includes Catholic Anthropology, Theological Apologetics, Epistemology, Philosophy, Reason and the Intellect, Church Identity, Conscience, Law and Authority, Scripture as Revelation, Accepted Moral Principles, and further application of John Paul II's Theology of the Body in defending Catholic dogma.

In Catholic Apologetics, students will be given the tools to help them overcome common objections to Catholic teaching.  Students will be able to respond to questions of faith, morality, culture, and atheism using Scripture, Science, reason, and logic. 

Covered material will include such topics as the Eucharist, Papacy, Morality and life issues, Scientific evidence for God's existence, and more. Our goal is to send confidant educated students off to college campuses, ready to meet the demands of the world, and offer reasoned responses to Theological and cultural issues.

Saint John Paul II has endowed us with an extensive catechesis on what it means to be human.  This series of 129+ General Audiences from 1979-1984 came to be known as the Theology of the Body.  We will look at mankind's ultimate questions:  Who am I?  What does it mean to be human? What is our purpose?  Why did God create us male and female and call us to a one-flesh union?

This Theological treatise will help us to grasp God's plan for mankind in a way that offers satisfying answers to our culture's abiding confusion about human sexuality and what it means to be created in God's image.

Sacred Scripture takes us on a walk through God's saving plan using a framework of 12 periods of Salvation History. From Genesis to Revelation, God reveals His plan for mankind as sons and daughters created in His image and likeness, and called to work out our salvation in His earthly Kingdom, the Church. Join us for a fascinating journey linking the Old and New Testaments; a journey that will at once astound and delight!

These two subjects, Church History and Social Justice, are taught concurrently because of the natural flow in development of Christian social justice throughout the history of the Catholic Church from its birth in Jerusalem to its most recent encyclical. Practical as well as theoretical and historical, this course traces the Church's developing theology of economic justice, the dignity of each person, peace and non-violence, responsibility for the earth's resources, sexual issues as well as modern scientific possibilities and life issues on a global and personal level. Highlighted are Gospel values and the Church's teaching, encyclicals as well as martyrs, Church Fathers, Church doctors, saints and ovements.